Look after your
mental health,
For the month of October, we’re celebrating World Mental Health Day on October 10 by bringing Australians together to look after their mental health. Register below to join our October Mental Health Month. You’ll receive extra tips to practice good mental health.

Join now
for your free
Mental Health Month
Our mental health and wellbeing are uniquely ours.
There are so many different tools and practices that we could introduce into our daily routines. What feels great for one person might not feel great for another. That’s why we want to encourage Australians to try a variety of wellbeing activities to find what works for them.
What to expect
Awareness of mental health and wellbeing.
Belonging to a community.
Connection to yourself.
How you can join us
Step 1.
Register for our October Mental Health Month.
Step 2.
Share the campaign with family, friends and colleagues.
Step 3.
Receive emails each week with tips, keeping you motivated and on track for the week ahead.
Step 4.
On 10 October, think about a colour you find most calming. Find or take a photo of anything that includes that colour and post it on social media. Eg. if your colour is blue, it could be the beach, or sky, or a blue t-shirt. Tag #MentalHealthMosaic
Digital Mental Health Mosaic
Find your photo in our Mental Health Mosaic, made up of all the calming colour photos submitted on October 10, World Mental Health Day.
What does ‘good’ mental health look like?
Good mental health is when we can cope with the stressors of our daily lives, participate in loving relationships, contribute to our community, and work towards our goals. Everyone has mental health. And we can all benefit from looking after our own mental health and the mental health of our communities.
Join us on social media
We’ll share additional tips for each wellbeing habit on Instagram and Facebook with some of our favourite mindfulness resources and teachers. Learn how these wellbeing habits are proven to help regulate our nervous system and improve our mindset.
We’d love to hear how you’re going with the daily activities as you go through the month of October. Tag us #LookAfterYourMentalHealthAustralia on social media.
Need Support?
Need help or support? If your life is in danger Call 000.
If you or someone you care for is in need of immediate assistance you can contact the below National 24/7 Crisis Counselling Services:
13 11 14 – 24 hours a day
7 days a week
Lifeline Text
0477 13 11 14 – 6pm to midnight (AEDT)
7 nights a week
Beyond Blue
Butterfly Foundation National Helpline
Carer Support
Suicide Call Back Service
Kids Helpline
Mensline Australia
Open Arms – Veterans and Families Counselling
Need More Information?
Head to Health www.headtohealth.gov.au
Black Dog www.blackdoginstitute.org.au
Headspace www.eheadspace.org.au
R U OK? www.ruok.org.au
ReachOut www.au.reachout.com
Embrace Multicultural Mental Health